Online Resources

- Preflight Worksheet
- Walla Walla University Aviation Program Documents
- WWU Aviation Standard Operating Procedures
- Training Course Outlines
- Walla Walla University Feedback
- General Feedback (Comments)
- Whistle Blowing via EthicsPoint

- Learn how to interpret everything on a METAR in this great Metar Tutorial from Weather Underground.

- Aviation Weather is a site maintained by the National Oceania and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). It provides quick and accurate weather information to pilots for flight planning.
- JetStream Online School for Weather is a great resource for pilots to explore and better understand the atmosphere and weather patterns.

- FltPlan is a utility for flight planning and filing.

- AirNav is a searchable database of all the airport in the USA. It provides free access to airport diagrams, procedures, radio navigation, and much more.

- Sky Vector is a tool for referencing locations and distances of airports on VFR and IFR charts. It is not to be used for flight planning, but is a valuable resource for putting together an outline of a trip or looking for new destinations.

The FAA has a lot of great resources for pilots. These are some of our favorites.
- Spokane FSDO Brochure
- Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) Map
- Current Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)
- Flight Delay Information ATC System Command Center
- GPS RAIM Prediction, GPS NOTAMS, and WAAS Service Information Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)
- Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
- Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
- Airplane Flying Handbook

- For aviators interested in joining the Armed Forces
Looking for information about Unmanned Aircraft Systems?
Walla Walla University operates a PSI testing center that can provide Part 107 testing. To schedule your exam go here. For more information contact the Department of Technology office at (509) 527-2712.